AWF Blog

Choosing the Right Spill Kit.

Posted by Martin Z on Jul 20th 2016

Why bother? Because whether we like it or not accidents will happen. If you handle chemicals, oils or other liquids then you need to have a plan in place to deal with a spill.So where to start.Make a good assessment of your workplace or facility. You need to determine what kind(s) of spill kits you’ll need, what sizes and how many. Identify your problem areas. Where are liquids store […]

Everything You Need To Know About Spill Kits: Materials and Response Procedure

Everything You Need To Know About Spill Kits: Materials and Response Procedure

Posted by Dan from AWarehouseFull on Feb 1st 2016

Spill kits give you the tools to deal with the initial treatment and accident cleanup before things get out of hand. The first thing you're going to want to know about our spill kits is the sorbents that go into making them, so… Our Sorbents... Our spill kits contain high quality durable Polypropylene sorbent materials designed to keep spills from spreading. These sorbents […]

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Flash and Batt - Is it right for you?

Posted by Dan from AWarehouseFull on Nov 26th 2015

It’s that time of year where you’re sitting in your house; it’s getting chilly; and you realize you need to insulate. When it comes to insulation, you have quite a few options available: from crumpled newspaper, to fiberglass batts, to spray foam, to recycled denim. So which one is right for you? At AWarehouseFull, we recommend looking at a method called “Flash and Batt”’What is Flash […]

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Baby, It's Cold Outside!

Posted by Martin Z on Nov 10th 2014

Winter is here and it's COLD! Cold Air that makes it difficult for you to work. Cold Air that makes it difficult for some products to work. Be aware which products are temperature sensitive. Chiefly among these are products that rely on a chemical reaction to take place, such as Dow Froth Paks.  Instructions for Froth Paks recommend they be sprayed in temper […]

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Thank you Roy! What is Full Spectrum Anyway?

Posted by Martin Z on Sep 19th 2014

Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet The colors of the rainbow, or if you remember your science class, the colors of the spectrum. Using these colors in combination, you can make up almost any color imaginable. Mixers of paint, dyes and coatings use this color pallet to produce the desired end color. In addition to the basic spectrum, color mixers may also use wh […]

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