Everything You Need To Know About Spill Kits: Materials and Response Procedure

Spill kits give you the tools to deal with the initial treatment and accident cleanup before things get out of hand.

The first thing you're going to want to know about our spill kits is the sorbents that go into making them, so…

Our Sorbents...

Our spill kits contain high quality durable Polypropylene sorbent materials designed to keep spills from spreading. These sorbents come in three types, Universal (the gray ones), Oil Only (the white ones), and Specialized/Chemical (coloring varies, typically yellow or green). The treated gray sorbents absorb “non-aggressive” fluids and most “aggressive” fluids. Non-aggressive fluids are common chemicals that include, oils, water, glycols, etc., where aggressive fluids are acids and caustic solutions. You can check out this compatibility chart for more information on absorbency.

Oil-Only fabrics absorb oils but actually repel water. These make them ideal at keeping oils from contaminating ground water and streams. These are also the type of sorbents used to address oil spills in water.

Other colored sorbents are similar to the universal gray but are specialized to help you separate your waste streams, should that be a requirement you have to meet, to help save money. They’re chemically inert also which means they won’t react with aggressive fluids.

Now, each of these sorbents come in socks, pillows and pads. Each should be used as a different tool in you spill control arsenal…

Socks: These bad boys are the first items you’ll likely be using for whatever spill you're cleaning up because their main purpose is to contain. You’re going to want to lay these down on the edges of your spill, to put a border between a paved and unpaved surface that your spill will likely cross, or to put a border around/seal a drain.

Pads: These are the thin sheets that may or may not be perforated. You’ll want to use sorbent pads to help address the bulk of your spill/mess. They also work really well as a towel or rag to clean off items that come in contact with whatever is being cleaned. Even better, you can fasten these down to the floor to help absorb the everyday materials that might make their way to the floor, making them great for helping to prevent slips.

Pillows: These are basically a cross between the socks and the pads. These are great for tight spaces that have active leaks. The pillows will also be the sorbents that do the bulk of the work for a spill on a cement or concrete surface.

Our Kits...

We are proud to bring you three main categories of spill kits: Universal, Oil-Only, and Chemical.

Universal Spill Kits - These are our all-purpose kits, great for soaking up oils, water, coolants, solvents and other water-based fluids. These kits can have a home anywhere from the household to industrial location.

Oil-Only Spill Kits - These kits are meant for addressing spills involving, you guessed it, oil. Ideal for keeping oils from contaminating ground water and streams. You might find these kits anywhere from industrial locations, to garages and maintenance areas, to marinas and boats.

Chemical Spill Kits - You’ll want to use these kits to address a wide array of chemicals. These specialized kits are perfect for separating your disposal streams to help save money on disposal costs. These kits can be found in industrial locations like warehouse/storage facilities or manufacturing facilities. They are also great for emergency response teams.

The way you should respond…

When a spill or incident does occur, you’re going to want to be ready to act. Here are the steps for the correct way to respond with your spill kit.

1. Risk Assessment

First thing’s first, evaluate the type of material spilled and identify the source. If you are NOT familiar with the liquid and its chemical properties, vacate the area and contact proper authorities.

2. Protect Yourself

Wear the appropriate protective gear for the situation. If you cannot identify the source, you'll have to assume the worst — HIGHLY CAUSTIC ALIEN SALIVA!

3. Containment

This is the step where you keep the spill from spreading any further. You're going to make sure you contain the liquid and seal any drains. This is where your sorbent socks will come in most handy!

4. Stop the Source

Close valves, rotate punctured drums and plug leaks where it is possible and safe to do so.

5. Begin Clean Up

Use your spill kit’s sorbents to absorb the spilled liquid(s). This step is where your sorbent pads and pillows will come in handy!

6. Contact Authorities

Report the spill to proper legal authorities in your community. Be sure to fill out all necessary reports in accordance with local laws.

7. Disposal of Used Material

Be sure to remember that absorbent materials take on the characteristics of whatever liquid they absorb. Be sure to dispose of used absorbents and spilled liquids in accordance with local laws.

8. Decontaminate

Clean all tools and reusable materials properly before reuse.

9. Restock Materials

Replace absorbent materials and safety equipment used in any clean-up operation. For easy refilling, look for the refill info on your spill kit for fast ordering.

10. Review Contingency Plans and Procedures!

Take the opportunity to look at how you responded and to make improvements in case you need to respond to a spill or incident again.

Now the only thing left for you to do is to choose the size and type of kit that best fits your needs so your ready for when the worst happens!

Feb 1st 2016 Dan from AWarehouseFull

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